Posted on 10/17/2017
Signals That You Need an Oil Change It may seem like a small deal, but in reality, fresh oil in your car is hugely important. It keeps several parts lubricated and running smoothly, and without it, your car’s lifespan would significantly decrease. At Certified Automotive, oil changes are just one part of our comprehensive auto service offerings. If you’re driving a vehicle that doesn’t come with a specific warranty or reminder, how will you know when it’s the right time for an oil change? Here are a few signs it might be time. Idling Issues If you notice that the vehicle has begun to shake or rock while you idle, and it seems like this sensation is coming from the engine, this could be a sure sign that your oil is bad and needs replacing. Bad oil leads to an increase in friction within the engine as elements like pistons, rings and bearings have less lubrication. These items operate more roughly and lead to the shaking sensation you’re ex ... read more