2022 Sept) Timing Belt, Water Pump, Power Steering Belt and Serpentine Belt, Engine Camshaft and Crankshaft Seals, Power Steering Reservoir. Car is 22 years old. Maintenance provided by Certified Auto has kept car in amazing operating condition. 2021 and prior) I purchase good quality used cars, carefully maintain them, and drive them for many years. Realizing that I make my car payments in repairs, and having learned that mechanics and repair shops that earn my trust are not only worth "keeping," but also deserve to be "shared," I am happy to tell you that I rely upon Certified Auto. I appreciate their consistent checking for problem indicators which they bring to my attention in such a way that I still have latitude in planning future repairs. I just spent close to $900 spread over two vehicles. One repair need was identified nine months ago and was done on a planned basis. A few days later I encountered a check engine light and warnings regarding the traction system. Certified investigated, there having been a possible tie to the repair just accomplished. Turned out to be an evaporation sensor warning which they thoroughly checked out and advised no action ... all at no charge. The other was the result of investigating a "new color" in a small fluid leak on the driveway ... led to discovering a motor mount problem. My high recommendation of Certified is not based upon an isolated experience.
Marshall, we appreciate you giving us the opportunity to show you we are still a reliable honest repair facility. Thank you for your support.
- Certified Automotive